Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Why Every Woman Should Do a Pin-up Pageant

Hey Guys and Dolls!

Pageant season is right around the corner and who better to help me out on this entry then the 5 time pageant winner and pageant host Dixie Delight!!! I have had loads of people asking me how they can get more involved in the pin-up community, where to start, what to do, and the answer is very simple. Pageants! In this Q and A with Dixie we will cover all of your questions and get you pumped for the pageant season.

Dixie Delight
Pin-up Perfection Photography

First I want to introduce to you Dixie Delight. Dixie is a BC based pin-up model who started modelling in 2011. Since then she has gone on to compete and place at numerous pin-up pageants in the Vancouver area including 1st place at the World of Wheels Car Show Pin-up Pageant (2012), the West Coast Tattoo and Culture Show Pin-up Pageant (2012). Her most recent win had her traveling to Las Vegas for the Viva Las Vegas Rockabilly Weekend to compete in the Pin-up Pageant where she received the title of "Best Hair" thanks to her gal pal and Pin-up Perfection Photography's hair stylist Lucy Lopez. Dixie now also runs her own event planning business, Rock'n Dolls, and is responsible for hosting the majority of the pin-up pageants in the lower main land. So without further a due here is why everyone woman should do a pin-up pageant!

Dixie Delight
Pin-up Perfection Photography

Pin-up Perfection Photography: Who can enter a pin-up Pageant?

Dixie Delight: Woman over the age of 18 (most events are restricted to age). Women of all shapes, sizes, and lifestyles can enter a pin-up pageant.

PUP: What if I don't have any vintage or pin-up clothing?

DD: Asking the organizers of the show for help is a great place to start. In my experience local dress shops have always been very open to lending dresses for show as it is a great way for them to advertise. And other contestants are usually open to lending dresses to new comers as well. Personally, I have lent items and outfits to others at almost every pageant I have competed, hosted, or organized.

Dixie Delight
Langley Good Times Cruise in Pin-up Perfection Photography Pageant

PUP: What if the pageant has a talent element and I don't have a talent?

DD: Talents come in all forms! I do not have any obvious talents, but I have performed a monologue, mixed drinks on stage, and even read a child's story as my talents before. If you can blow a bubble gum bubble you have a talent! Every single one of us has something unique we bring to the talent portion of a pin-up pageant and most of the time it is not about showcasing how great your talent is but about showcasing your unique personality.

Dixie Delight preforming her talent at the Pin-up Perfection Photography West Coast Tattoo and Culture Show Pin-up Pageant

PUP: How do you shake your nerves?

DD: Nerves are actually a really good thing to have before going on stage. They give you that extra bit of a adrenaline that you will need to perform. Remember that everyone in the audience is there to cheer for you and that you are there to have fun. Take a deep breath and smile!

PUP: What was the most nerve raking pageant you have done?

DD: I would have to say that the Miss Viva Las Vegas Pinup Contest was probably the most nerve racking. It was a huge pageant with a huge audience of 25,000 people and we (the contestants) were filmed and interviewed the entire time for the Bombshells and Dollies Documentary. It was the most pressure I have ever personally been under but in the end I reminded myself that I was there to have fun and meet new friend and just be myself. I learned so much about myself and know I came out of that experience feeling more empowered then ever with a even clearer vision of what I want to accomplish in my pin-up adventure. 

Dixie Delight and Lucy Lopez at VLV 2015 with her "Best Hair" Win!

PUP: How does a pin-up pageant empower women?

DD: Pin-up Pageants empower us by giving us that moment to shine in front of our peers, loved ones, and an audience. That moment will live on in you for years to come. There is this energy you get from the audience and the other contestants... When you feel so beautiful and confident in that moment on stage you feel like you can conquer anything and that confidence boost could be just what you need to become and inspiration to other women who have always thought they could not ever participate in a pageant, but you will prove that they can because they are just like you. It is an amazing feeling to be an inspiration. Empowerment is a full circle feeling, what you get out of it, you give back and that is why every woman should enter a pin-up pageant at least once in her life.
2014 Langley Good Times Cruise in Rock'n Dolls Pin-up Pageant 

PUP: What advice would you give to someone entering their first pageant?

DD: Ask lots of questions! And ask your favourite pin-up girls for advice. Many established pin-up are happy to answer questions and the organizers/hosts should be happy to help you as well. I also suggest that you do your homework! You should know the history of pin-up, the different styles of fashion, hair and make-up styles. This doesn't mean you should necessarily be able to do your own hair and make-up, but you should be familiar with the different styles. It is also a good idea to practice your fashion walk and pin-up poses! Spend time putting your outfit(s) together, wear them around the house to make sure you are comfortable in them. If you haven't seen a pin-up pageant you should go watch one because you will learn so much from seeing one live. 

PUP: What advice do you have to give to a contestant to make them memorable to the judges?

DD: Have a cute gimmick to give away to the judges and/or audience members. This will make you memorable. Write yourself a cute catchy biography or have your friends help you write one.

Dixie Delight 1st Place at the Pin-up Perfection Photography West Cost Tattoo and Culture Show Pin-up Pageant

PUP: As a pin-up pageant placer, what advice would you give to someone who would love to place in a pageant?

DD: Honestly I have never entered a pageant with the main focus being winning or placing. Of course the prizes are usually amazing but I have entered pageants before and not even known what the prizes are. I enter pageants to meet other like minded women to have fun and fulfil my own personal love of the stage, I think that the reason I have done well in pageants comes from my backstage attitude. I am laughing, having fun, making friends, and when it comes time to hit the stage I bring that energy with me. A pin-up queen or 1st place winner is one that brings the most energy to the stage with her smiles, her confidence, and fun. 

2012 Langley Good Times Cruise Inn Pin-up Perfection Photography Pin-up Pageant
PUP: Are there any upcoming pageants? And how can someone find out about pageants and pin-up events?

DD: I suggest following the Rock'n Dolls page for any up coming pageants or events. Also the LBA and Billies Barber Shop are hosting the Miss Ladner Quilt Walk and Car Show Pin-up Pageant. If you are interested in participating be sure to click on the link for info. 

So there you have it! Why every woman should enter a pin-up pageant even if it is just once in her life. Pageants are a great way to meet people, network with different people in the industry, and also just a really great way to have fun. I am also an experience pageant contestant and have competed with Dixie in the past. I can honestly say that some of the most fun I have had was at a pageant or the preparation leading up to the pageant. I have also made some of the best of friends at these pageants. The rush you get and the confidence that you leave, placement or not, is something that will keep you walking tall for a good long while. 

If you have any questions you would like to ask, please comment below and I will respond as soon as I can.


Helly Hepburn

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